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Dr. Yuri Uesaka

  • Speaker: Dr. Yuri Uesaka
  • Position: Associate Professor, the University of Tokyo, Japan
  • Time: November 3 or 4, 2023
  • Venue:  

Education and work experience
Dr Yuri Uesaka graduated with her PhD in education at the University of Tokyo in 2010. She is now an Associate Professor at the University of Tokyo. She is a past chair of the Japanese Society of Educational Psychology Research Committee. She is now a member of the Japanese Central Council for Education, which is involved in national curriculum design in Japan.

Research Specialty
Dr. Uesaka’s research area is educational psychology, from theory to design to implementation, focusing on students' deep understanding and learning strategy use. She actively collaborates with school teachers and other educational practitioners to implement the results of psychological research in real classrooms and identify the limits of psychological theory through the application of psychological findings. She has also conducted numerous collaborative research projects with overseas researchers.

Creating Collaborations between Schools Teachers and Universities Researchers to Make 21st Century Skills Achievement a Reality

A global educational trend discusses the need for schooling to ensure that students are equipped with 21st-century skills and key competencies useful in society. Metacognition and self-regulation skills are typical examples. Traditionally, schools have focused on teaching subject knowledge, but these global trends are forcing changes in school practice. However, the reality is that schools have not yet accumulated sufficient knowledge on how to measure, evaluate and improve these new academic learning skills. On the other hand, these cross-curricular competencies have long been discussed in the field of psychology. It is, therefore, an important issue of how university researchers and school teachers can build mutually beneficial relationships and develop new subject-learning competencies in students. In this presentation, research studies in Japan in which university researchers and school teachers have worked together to assess and improve new academic ability and learning competencies will be presented. These studies aim to develop the deep understanding and self-regulation skills currently aimed for in the national curriculum in Japan. How researchers build relationships with schools and the benefits these collaborations create for schools and research will also be highlighted.

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