- 個別論文發表有口頭發表及壁報發表兩種形式,發表者可自行選擇採用口頭或壁報方式進行,並於線上投稿時勾選註明。
- 欲以口頭或壁報方式發表論文者,須撰寫摘要500-1000字,或英文300-500字。中文字體需為標楷體或新細明體,英文字型為Times New Roman 12,使用英式英文或者美式英語的拼法及合適的專業術語,並於112年9月17日(星期日)前上傳本研討會網站。論文摘要投稿請依下列格式撰寫:
- 論文主題
- 研究目的
- 研究方法
- 研究結果與討論(或預期結果與討論)
- 關鍵字(以五個為上限)
- 預計112年9月27日(星期三)前將公佈論文摘要是否通過,並寄發電子郵件通知投稿錄取者。
- 錄取者需於10月10日(星期二)前完成註冊及繳費,以確保論文能被排入議程。
- 欲參加最佳論文之作者,請於註冊時上傳全文(英文5,000字內、中文8,000字內),格式以PDF為主。
- The conference features two types of individual presentations: oral and poster.
- Participants who wish to make oral or poster presentations should submit an English abstract of approximately 300-500 words or Chinese abstract of approximately 500-1000 words online at the conference website before September 17,2023 (no full-text required).
- Oral/poster presentations can be made in ENGLISH or CHINESE. Presenters have to specify the language format (ENGLISH or CHINESE) they wish to use for their presentations during on-line registration.
- Abstract submissions are requested to follow APA 7th edition format with font size 12, 1.5 spacing and the following structure:
- Title
- Purpose of study
- Research Method
- Result and discussion
- Keywords (maximum five words).
- The acceptance of paper abstracts usually will be announced within two weeks of deadline.The acceptance will be emailed to individual authors afterwards.
- For environmental protection, the conference program book will not list full-text papers or abstracts.
- For authors who would like to apply for the Best Paper Award, please upload your full paper (English within 5,000 word, or chinese within 8,000 words) to the TERA-GACC 2023. Submissions must be in PDF format.