大會主題 Topic
Dialogues across Divides: Educational Innovation for a Sustainable Future
投稿議題 Sub-themes
- 課程與教育實踐 Curriculum and Instruction
- 教育哲學與教育史 Philosophy of Education and History of Education
- 教育心理 Educational Psychology
- 學習發展(含大學生發展) Learning Development (Including Student Development in Higher Education)
- 教育行政管理與領導 Educational Administration and Management
- Perspectives on Innovation in the Social Science (優良論文可收錄於期刊)
- 創造力研究與教育創新(含科技運用AI, VR, XR...) Creativity Research and Educational Innovation (Including Technological Applications, such as AI, VR, and XR).
- 全球素養 Global Competencies
- 台灣教育趨勢議題與其他教育重大議題(含性別平等教育、生命教育、雙語教育及本土語言教育等)Issues Related to Educational Trends in Taiwan and Other Important Issues (Including Gender Equity, Life Education, Bilingual Education, and Native Language Education)
Latest News
Keynote Speakers
Senior Lecturer in Digital Education, The University of Manchester, UK
Professor, Kyoto University, Japan
Invited Speakers
Associate Professor, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Forum I
Professor and Department Chair, Department of Educational Technology, Research and Assessment, Northern Illinois University
Presidential Teaching Professor, Department of Educational Technology, Research and Assessment, Northern Illinois University
Northern Illinois University, Associate Professor of Educational Technology, Research, and Assessment (ETRA) Department
Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Technology, Research and Assessment
Forum II
Northern Illinois University, Associate Professor of Educational Technology, Research, and Assessment (ETRA) Department
Workshop Speakers
Assistant Professor, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan
Associate Professor, National Kaohsiung Normal University, Taiwan
Professor, Kyoto University, Japan
指導單位:教育部(Ministry of Education)
主辦單位:國立中山大學(National Sun Yat-sen University)、台灣教育研究學會(Taiwan Education Research Association)、全球華人創造力學會(Global Association of Chinese Creativity)
承辦單位:國立中山大學教育研究所(Institute of Education, NSYSU)、國立中山大學師資培育中心(Center for Teacher Education, NSYSU)、國立中山大學教育與人類發展研究全英語學位學程(International Graduate Program of Education and Human Development, NSYSU)
贊助單位:國家科學及技術委員會(National Science and Technology Council)