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Dr. Louis Major

  • Speaker: Dr. Louis Major
  • Position: Senior Lecturer in Digital Education, University of Manchester
  • Time: November 3(FRI.), 09:40-10:50
  • Venue: NSYSU  【Room:SS1002】

Education and work experience

Dr. Major is a Senior Lecturer in Digital Education at the University of Manchester, UK. He is co-author of the new “The theory of educational technology: Towards a dialogic foundation for design” book published in 2023 by Routledge. He has also been an Editor of the British Journal of Educational Technology (BJET) since 2020.

Working in the Manchester Institute of Education (MIE), Dr. Major co-leads the Digital Technology, Communication and Education (DTCE) Research and Scholarship group. He is part of the EdTech Hub team, one of the largest educational technology research projects globally. Prior to joining MIE, Dr. Major was a Senior Research Associate at the University of Cambridge (Faculty of Education: 2013-21). He was also Principal Researcher and co-founder of the Digital Education Futures Initiative (DEFI) at Cambridge established in 2020. Dr. Major obtained his PhD in Computer Science at Keele University (2013).

Research Specialties

Dr. Major’s research focuses on digital technology’s role in the future of education, in particular, how this can help to address educational disadvantage and support effective dialogue and communication. Other expertise includes on the role of technology in personalising learning, education futures, educational design-based research, and rigorous approaches to evidence synthesis.


New Possibilities for Educational Research in the Digital Age: Expanding Dialogue in 'Design-Based Research


While Design-Based Research (DBR) is still considered a methodological newcomer by some in the educational research community, it has gained international recognition as a prominent framework for the systematic development of educational interventions. However, the implementation of DBR presents challenges due to its inherent complexity and other factors.

This session explores the potential of DBR several decades after its introduction. It provides a critical assessment of the impact of DBR, reflecting on recent progress and challenges. Cutting-edge research projects and examples are presented, highlighting lessons learned and practical implications. It is proposed that DBR offers a suitable framework for tacking ‘big’ educational challenges in the Digital Age. However, further emphasising the importance of dialogue in DBR could foster a more inclusive, innovative, and sustainable approach to bridge the gap between educational research and practice.

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