Early Bird Registration |
Regular Registration |
Regular Presenter |
US$ 120 / NT$ 3,600 |
US$ 150 / NT$ 4,500 |
Student Presenter |
US$ 50 / NT$ 1,500 |
US$ 80 / NT$ 2,400 |
Non-Presenter / Primary and middle school teachers |
US$ 35 / NT$ 1000 |
- 每篇文章至少需一位作者於10月10日前完成註冊及繳費,以確保排入發表場次。
At least one author of each accepted abstract/proposal has to complete online registration before October 10 to ensure inclusion of the presentation in the conference program. - 註冊費包含本次大會演講、主題論壇、工作坊及所有發表場次的參與費用,並提供電子版大會手冊。
Registration fees include admission to all keynote speeches, workshops, forums , sessions and the electronic conference program book . - 一般與會者(無發表者),如需要取消報名,請於10/25前e-mail至大會秘書處(,俾辦理退費作業。
If participant need to cancel the registration, the cancellation must be made before 10/25 by e-mailing to the conference secretariat ( in order to receive 90% refund.
Step one - Registration
Complete the registration information
★★★ Step two - Enter Payment system
步驟二:繳費系統 :
1.Enter(中文) 信用卡(VISA, MASTER and JCB)及超商/臨櫃/ATM轉帳項目繳費方式
2.EnglishCredit Card (VISA, MASTER and JCB)